Offres de Professor et Associate Professor a l’Accelerator Laboratory du KEK

Open Job No. Inst./Lab /  Job Description Position Applications Deadline
Interview date
2014/10/24 ACCL14-8 Accelerator Laboratory

The successful candidate will belong to the Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a leading role in the R&D of Accelerator Test Facility (ATF), linear colliders, and future accelerator technologies. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Professor 2014/12/8

[Interview date]
*It will be
update later.

2014/10/24 ACCL14-9 Accelerator Laboratory

The successful candidate will belong to the Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a leading role in the R&D, construction, operation, and maintenance of the safety systems of SuperKEKB rings and PF-AR. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Professor 2014/12/8

[Interview date]
*It will be
update later.

2014/10/24 ACCL14-10 Accelerator Laboratory

The successful candidate will belong to the Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a leading role in the R&D of insertion devices at PF ring, PF-AR, and Compact ERL, as well as the development of new light sources including free electron lasers. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Professor 2014/12/8

[Interview date]
*It will be
update later.

2014/10/24 ACCL14-11 Accelerator Laboratory

The successful candidate will belong to Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a major role in the R&D of beamline front-end systems for the light source accelerators (PF ring, PF-AR, and Compact ERL). The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Associate Professor 2014/12/8

[Interview date]
*It will be
update later.

2014/10/24 ACCL14-12 Accelerator Laboratory

The successful candidate will belong to Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a major role in the R&D for linear colliders, Superconducting RF Test Facility (STF), and production technologies of superconducting cavities. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Associate Professor 2014/12/8

[Interview date]
*It will be
update later.

2014/10/24 ACCL14-13 Accelerator Laboratory

The successful candidate will belong to Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a major role in the beam commissioning at J-PARC Main Ring as well as the R&D for future intensity upgrade. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Associate Professor 2014/12/8

[Interview date]
*It will be
update later.

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