IV Encuentro ACE Japón (November 24, Tokyo)

We are sharing the program of the IV Encuentro ACE Japón on behalf of our Spanish counterpart ACE Japón. It will be held at the Embassy of Spain in Tokyo on November 24-25 2023. The 24th will be held in English, the 25th in Spanish. Registration is mandatory.


Friday, November 24th, 2023

10:00 -10:30 Registration
10:30 -10:45 Welcome and Opening remarks

His Excellency Mr. Fidel Sendagorta, Ambassador of Spain to Japan
Mr Gijs Berends, European Union Head of Science in Japan
Mr Daniel del Barrio, President of ACE Japón

10:45 -11:00 Introduction of Association of Spanish Scientists in Japan (ACE Japón)
President of ACE Japón, Mr Daniel del Barrio

11:00 -12:30 International collaborative programmes and research promotion
Moderator, Ms Susana de Vega

11:00-11:30 I-Collaborations between European institutions and Japanese universities.
Ms Taena Uemura University Research Administrator. Institute for International Collaboration (Within the International Affairs Dept., Admin. Bureau) Hokkaido University,

11:30-12:00 II-Co-Creating Value-Driven Visions of Preferred Futures’ (The NISTEP 12th Science and Technology Foresight Survey)
Ms Asako Okamura
Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), MEXT

12:00-12:30 III-Overview of Broader Approach Activities
Ms Susana Clement
Acting Head of the Broader Approach Programme and Delivery Department in F4E, Project Leader of IFERC

12:30 -12:35 Group photo
12:35 -14:30 Lunch break (including poster viewing and networking)

14:30 -15:30 Panel discussion: “Moving forward Japan Spain science collaboration”
Moderator, Mr Daniel del Barrio
Panellists: Ms Taena Uemura, Ms Asako Okamura, Ms Susana Clement,
Ms Susana de Vega, Ms Olga Amengual, Mr Antonio Tejero

15:30 -16:00 Coffee break

16:00 -16:15 Closing remarks
Ms Olga Amengual, Vice-President of ACE Japón

19:00 IV ACE Japón Meeting Welcome Dinner

Sábado, 25 Noviembre 2023

10:00 -10:10 Bienvenida e inauguración
Sr. Daniel del Barrio, Presidente de ACE Japón

10:10 -11:15 Sesión científica I – Tecnología y Arte
Moderador Sr. Manuel Aleixandre Herrero
10:10-10:55 Presentaciones orales
10:55-11:15 Sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas

11:15 -11:25 Pausa

11:25 -12:30 Sesión científica II – Innovación y sociedad
Moderadora Sra. Raquel Simancas
11:25-12:10 Presentaciones orales
12:10-12:30 Sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas

12:30 -12:35 Foto de grupo
12:35 -13:30 Pausa para comer y visionado de posters

13:30 -16:15 Asamblea General ACE Japón (solo miembros Regulares ACE Japon

16:15 -16:30 Observaciones finales
Sra. Olga Amengual, Vicepresidenta de ACE Japón,

19:00 IV Encuentro ACE Japón – Cena de despedida y cierre

Download the program

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