Forum « Patients and Medicines » au RIKEN de Yokohama, les 15 et 16 novembre.

Le RIKEN Omics Science Center de Yokohama oganise un forum, Patients and Medicines, les 15 et 16 novembre. Voici l’annonce en anglais.

Young RIKEN researchers will hold an international forum for personalized medicine.

Date: Nov. 15-16 (Thu-Fri) Venue: RIKEN Yokohama Institute, Koryuto Hall

This will be an opportunity for participants from different fields to get
together and to discuss the current situation and the effective solutions for
Personalized Medicine. We would like to invite all of you who have an interest
in personalized medicine to join the Forum.

For details and registration (pre-registration required) please visit our web
site here:

[Forum Focus]

Personalized medicine has been expected to provide precise medicine and reduce
medical cost. But the progress is slower than we predicted.

The aim of this Forum is to recognize the situation around personalized
medicine and to explore innovative solutions with key experts from academia,
industry and the regulatory body.

The forum will hold oral and poster presentations from various institutions
related to personalized medicine, and there will also be ample time for
interactions and discussions to build strong networks.

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