The 2nd EURAXESS Science Slam Japan
Slam your way to a free trip to Europe! The 2nd EURAXESS Science Slam Japan is coming, 10 November 2014 in Tokyo! Submissions and registration procedures for the 2nd EURAXESS Science Slam North...
Slam your way to a free trip to Europe! The 2nd EURAXESS Science Slam Japan is coming, 10 November 2014 in Tokyo! Submissions and registration procedures for the 2nd EURAXESS Science Slam North...
Programme : Présentation 1 : Émilie Even (Osaka City University), “Distribution et transport de métaux traces et terres rares dans les rivières du nord du bassin d’Osaka”. Les eaux des rivières Yono, Ibaraki et Minoh...
“Robots and ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing – The potential for EU–Japan cooperation” Outline: Given the prominence of ageing to both Europe and Japan, and the recent EU-Japan seminar in Brussels on silver...
The JEUPISTE project is starting a series of thematic information seminars focusing on certain technological areas and/or societal challenges identified under Horizon 2020. Following the first one in Kobe, we organize a seminar on...
La prochaine séance du séminaire aura lieu mardi 10 juin 2014 à 18h00 en salle 601 de la MFJ. Nous écouterons les interventions de Thekla Boven, doctorante en architecture (Université Waseda) “L’impact des activités...