Chaires, Bourses, Financements pour chercheurs et étudiants étrangers en France

CERN-Japan Fellowship Program

This is for young researchers of Japanese nationality or permanent resident status of Japan who want to work in LHC data analysis and physics.  One or two positions are open to candidates who are preparing their PhD. They are  expected to have completed it by the time of commencement.
Deadline: 30 November
Further information: CERN


Les Chaires Internationales de Recherche Blaise Pascal

The State and the Ile-de-France Region are establishing new International Research Chairs to accommodate highly qualified,
internationally acclaimed, foreign research scientists in all scientific fields : exact sciences, life sciences, humanities and social sciences, applied sciences and new technologies. Each chair allows for a foreign scientist to be hosted for 12 months, possibly spread over a period of two years.
Deadline: 15 December
Further Information: Ile de France


Bourses Eiffel

The Eiffel excellence scholarships are aimed at overseas students, at Master or PhD levels. The courses undertaken in France will help them to obtain positions of responsibility in the public and private sectors. Only foreign nationals are eligible to apply. Engineering, sciences, economics and management, law and political sciences.
Deadline: 9 January
Further Information: Campus France


Institut Pasteur PhD Positions

Positions on the International Doctoral program in life sciences and biomedicine at the Institute Pasteur. Students will
receive a stipend to cover their living expenses and health insurance. Students should possess a Master degree and have
fluency in English.
Deadline: 15 December
Further Information: Institut Pasteur


Source : Euraxess Links Japan Newsletter – Octobre 2012

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