Category: Offres d’emploi
The Tohoku Forum for Creativity (TFC) is the first International Visitor Research Institute in Japan. It results of a Tohoku University initiative that started in October 2013 in order to promote the institution as...
La déclaration de candidature à une inscription sur les listes de qualification aux fonctions de maître de conférences ou de professeur des universités au titre de l’année 2015 doit être déposée sur le site...
Joint ANR, DFG and JST call: SPPEXA-2 The French National Research Agency (ANR) plans to issue a call for international collaborative projects, in conjunction with the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Japanese Science...
ERC Advanced Grants allow exceptional established research leaders of any nationality and any age to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects that open new directions in their respective research fields or other domains. The ERC Advanced...
Kavli IPMU Fellow Kavli IPMU Fellow Nominations for Kavli IPMU Fellow are due no later than Tuesday, September 30, 2014. The “Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe” (Kavli IPMU) is...